Our portfolio includes the planning of workshop equipment, personnel qualification and depot infrastructures. We develop software solutions for buses with alternative drive systems and network them with IT.

Our team has experience with public transport acceleration at traffic lights using cooperative communication systems such as C-ITS. We also work on projects for electrified and zero-emission vehicles.

We plan and coordinate projects, including measures for charging energy storage systems during operation or during breaks.

Dr. Alexander Bunzel






Cities and municipalities





Alternative drives

Consulting from idea to commissioning
Whether early conceptualisation, project control, project management or the identification and integration of stakeholders: the IVS team offers services relating to alternatively powered buses from a single source. As a subsidiary of two municipal transport companies, our motto is "From the industry for the industry". A long-term partnership with our customers is the key to successful projects.
Conceptual design of charging and refuelling infrastructure
Alternatively fuelled buses place different demands on the associated infrastructure. VCDB designs the necessary technology on behalf of the customer. Experienced specialist engineers can support the entire procurement process: - Preparation of specifications, - Support during the tendering process, - Support during customer acceptance The workshop planning team at VCDB can also take care of the localisation/placement of the infrastructure in-house. VCDB determines the key figures required for the refuelling infrastructure together with its respective customers. A precise design of the infrastructure can be carried out with our partners or handed over to a specialist planner.
The Innovative Transport Systems team specialises in buses. From the conception (which system, transport capacity, etc.) to the creation of specifications and the technical support of public procurement procedures. Quality inspections of the vehicles from body shell to final acceptance or support during trial operation are carried out in collaboration with the vehicle technology team.
Digital operational system
In-house solutions such as the signal receiver DANAË or the learning platform LuPO are part of our portfolio, as is advising transport companies on digital, operational systems relating to alternatively powered buses: - C-ITS, - depot management system, - charging/load management system, - energy management system, - ticketing systems, - traffic and circulation planning systems...
Funding / funding management
Identification of funding opportunities, preparation of funding outlines (one- and two-stage) at the various levels (EU, federal, state). Communication with funding bodies, project organisers, etc.
ITS? The I stands for openness to technology!
As the name suggests, the innovative transport systems team deals with innovative transport systems: from hybrid or fully electric battery buses, trolleybuses and hydrogen buses to automated driving. The air taxi is also scrutinised at irregular intervals for possible use in public transport. The same applies to the TSB maglev system.

Feasibility study: Electrification of the STOAG bus network

Feasibility study: Alternative
drives, Remscheid

Electric bus operation of Stadtverkehr Friedrichshafen GmbH

Alternative drives

Consulting from idea to commissioning
Whether early conceptualisation, project control, project management or the identification and integration of stakeholders: the IVS team offers services relating to alternatively powered buses from a single source. As a subsidiary of two municipal transport companies, our motto is "From the industry for the industry". A long-term partnership with our customers is the key to successful projects.
Conceptual design of charging and refuelling infrastructure
Alternatively fuelled buses place different demands on the associated infrastructure. VCDB designs the necessary technology on behalf of the customer. Experienced specialist engineers can support the entire procurement process: - Preparation of specifications, - Support during the tendering process, - Support during customer acceptance The workshop planning team at VCDB can also take care of the localisation/placement of the infrastructure in-house. VCDB determines the key figures required for the refuelling infrastructure together with its respective customers. A precise design of the infrastructure can be carried out with our partners or handed over to a specialist planner.
The Innovative Transport Systems team specialises in buses. From the conception (which system, transport capacity, etc.) to the creation of specifications and the technical support of public procurement procedures. Quality inspections of the vehicles from body shell to final acceptance or support during trial operation are carried out in collaboration with the vehicle technology team.
Digital operational system
In-house solutions such as the signal receiver DANAË or the learning platform LuPO are part of our portfolio, as is advising transport companies on digital, operational systems relating to alternatively powered buses: - C-ITS, - depot management system, - charging/load management system, - energy management system, - ticketing systems, - traffic and circulation planning systems...
Funding / funding management
Identification of funding opportunities, preparation of funding outlines (one- and two-stage) at the various levels (EU, federal, state). Communication with funding bodies, project organisers, etc.
ITS? The I stands for openness to technology!
As the name suggests, the innovative transport systems team deals with innovative transport systems: from hybrid or fully electric battery buses, trolleybuses and hydrogen buses to automated driving. The air taxi is also scrutinised at irregular intervals for possible use in public transport. The same applies to the TSB maglev system.

Machbarkeitsstudie: Alternative
Antriebe, Remscheid

  • Projektlaufzeit:
    seit 2020
  • Leistungsumfang:
    - Machbarkeitsstudien
    - Konzeption Fahrzeug, Ladeinfrastruktur, Werkstatt
    - Förderantrag
    - Projeksteuerung
  • Projektlaufzeit:
    2021 - 2023
  • Leistungsumfang:
    - Leistungsbeschreibung
    - Beschaffung
    - Umsetzung ITCS
    - Fahr-, Umlauf-, Dienstplanung

Liniennetzuntersuchung für Streckenlader, Dresden

  • Projektlaufzeit:
    2022 - 2024
  • Leistungsumfang:
    - Liniennetzuntersuchung

Projektsteuerung emissionsfreie Busse MVV-Regionalbuslinien

  • Projektlaufzeit:
    seit 2016
  • Leistungsumfang:
    - Konzeption Fahrzeuge und Infrastruktur
    - Ausschreibung
    - Inbetriebnahme

Site investigation / depot layout


The status quo is viewed and documented in a structured manner on site

Relevant information can be obtained and evaluated from authorities and management

    The basis for the investigation is established
Determination of requirements


Specification of electric bus system, which boundary conditions are fixed, which are still open

  • Requirements for operating procedures
    • Actual status documented, Plan specifications drawn up


  • Required parking capacity (bus)
  • Vehicle ramp-up/procurement plan for alternatively powered vehicles
  • Vehicles
  • Required parking capacity (additional vehicles)
    • Containers defined by number and size

    Charging infrastructure/refuelling infrastructure

    • Basis: Planned vehicle deployments/ operational specifications and vehicle procurement plan
      The type, scope and design of the required charging and refuelling infrastructure components are determined. fuelling infrastructure components are determined.
    Creation of Layout

    • Results from stocktaking and determination of requirements = input variables in layout development
    • Variants of depot layouts are developed in close consultation with the customer
    • Planning and drawing development of the layout with simulation-supported tractrix curve analysis
    • Optional: Analysis of variants and development of a preferred variant
    • Estimation of a cost framework
    • Identification of challenges and success factors when implementing the preferred variant
        • Explanatory report and layout variants as site plans
          Serve as the basis for further planning steps

    As part of site investigations (depot/ pure parking/ charging point in the route area), potential plots or properties for parking electric buses and integrating charging and/or refuelling infrastructure are analysed and evaluated.

    The iterative procedure is divided into three parts. The VCDB actively supports the customer and asks for specific information or develops the necessary basic information in close consultation as required.